Aims and Goals

Over its 10 year lifespan, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will catalog over 5 million Main Belt asteroids, almost 300,000 Jupiter Trojans, over 100,000 NEOs, over 40,000 KBOs, 10s of interstellar objects, and over 10,000 comets. Many of these objects will receive hundreds of observations in multiple bandpasses. The LSST Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) is preparing methods and tools to analyze this data, as well as understand optimum survey strategies for discovering moving objects throughout the Solar System.

The goal is to get the SSSC and planetary community together to spend 3 dedicated days towards preparing for the LSST. This will be the last Sprint before the start of the LSSTCam on-sky commissioning (expected in early 2025). This is perfect time to get the community together to plan the final year of preparation before the start of Rubin science operations. This sprint will also feature dedicated discussions about the synergies between LSST Solar System and technosignature searches.

Day 1 (September 25)

Day 2 (September 26)

Day 3 (September 27)


Colin Orion Chandler (UW), Carrie Holt (LCO), Meg Schwamb (QUB)

Special thanks to Leanne O'Donnell (Oxford) , Aprajita Verma (Oxford), Chris Lintott (Oxford) for additional logistical support

Organizer Points of Contact Meg Schwamb and Colin Orion Chandler


We acknowledge support from the Breakthough Listen, Karman+, the LSST Discovery Alliance, and the Planetary Society, and LSST:UK with logisitcal support from the University of University of Oxford Astrophysics sub-department, Washington's DiRAC Institute, Queen's University Belfast School of Maths and Physics .