Day 1 (October 23)

Image of the telescope dome

Day 1 (October 23)

11:00 am PDT Kick-off and Annoucements - Colin Chandler (UW) and Meg Schwamb (QUB)

11:05 am PDT Rubin Observatory Citizen Science Opportunities - Rubin EPO team

11:35 am PDT Rubin Commissioning Planning - Keith Bechtol (Rubin Observatory/University of Wisconsin-Madison)

12:05 pm PDT Break

12:30 pm PDT Minor Planet Center: Updates and Preparations for the LSST - Federica Spoto (MPC/Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)

1:00 pm PDT Overview of the Asteroid Institute's Open Source Packages and Tools - Alec Koumjian (Asteroid Institute) & Joachim Moeyens (UW/Asteroid Institute)

1:30 pm PDT Adjourn


Day 1 (October 23)

Day 2 (October 26)