Day 3 (June 9)

Rubin Observatory from a bird's eye view with the dome open with the telescope visible

Day 3 (June 9)

9:00 am PDT - Announcements - Meg Schwamb (QUB)

9:05 am PDT - Overview of LINCC (LSST Interdisciplinary Network for Collaboration and Computing) - Rachel Mandelbaum (Carnegie Mellon University) [slides]

9:35 am PDT - Unconference Session

10:25 am PDT - Transition to Wonder

10:30 am PDT -1:00 pm - Project Work (Participants take today's break whenever convenient during this time)

1:00 pm PDT - Working Group/Project Presentations

1:30 pm PDT - Recap - Meg Schwamb (QUB)

1:35 pm PDT - Adjourn

Day 0 (June 6)

Day 1 (June 7)

Day 2 (June 8)

Day 3 (June 9)