Day 2 (June 8)

Rubin Observatory's Simonyi Survey Telescope within the dome

Day 2 (June 8)

9:00 am PDT - Annoucements - Agata Rożek (University of Edinburgh)

9:05 am PDT - Lightning Talks [slides]

9:30 am PDT - Minor Planet Center Update - Matt Payne (MPC) [slides]

10:00 am PDT - Cadence Break Out Sessions: Meet the Rubin SCOC (Survey Cadence Optimization Committee) \ Twilight Low Solar Elongation Solar System Microsurvey Options [slides]

10:40 am PDT - Project Pitches

11:15 pm PDT - Break

11:45 pm PDT - Switching over to Wonder

11:50 - 1:30 pm PDT - Break into project groups and work on pitched projects

1:30 pm PDT - Recap and Annoucements

1:35pm PDT - Adjourn

Day 0 (June 6)

Day 1 (June 7)

Day 2 (June 8)

Day 3 (June 9)