SSSC Membership and How to Join the SSSC

LSST Solar System Science Collaboration Sprint 1 Photo

Photo from the 2018 LSST Solar System Readiness Sprint at the University of Washington, Seattle

The LSST Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) accepts applications from astronomers and planetary scientists who have data access rights to LSST data (example 1: a scientist based in countries with LSST data rights (US or Chile); example 2: a scientist who is part of an institution or organization that has data access for their members (like LSST: UK)).

Applications to become members of the LSST SSSC can be filled out on the membership application form. Applying to become a member is a short process, and the chairs of the SSSC will get back to you promptly. Our current guidelines on membership are focused on building community involvement. Researchers, at any career level, who can identify areas of interest they wish to pursue that are relevant to LSST Solar System science and are LSST data rights holders will be granted membership. All SSSC members have voting rights and access to future collaboration-generated proprietary data products and tools. Additionally, all SSSC members are expected to abide by the SSSC Code of Conduct, the SSSC Publication Policy, and the SSSC Charter.

If you have any questions or concerns about the application process please contactand Colin Orion Chandler and Meg Schwamb (LSST SSSC co-chairs).

If you are working on a Rubin Observatory international in-kind contribution proposal, please contact Colin Orion Chandler and Meg Schwamb (LSST SSSC co-chairs) to discuss potential observer status within the SSSC while you are developing your proposal.

Public List of SSSC Members:

If you are already a member and you don't appear in the above list, please contact the SSSC co-chairs.

SSSC Architects