Day 0
What is Day 0?
Day 0 in a set of introductory material aimed at anyone in the LSST SSSC community who might be new to Rubin Observatory and the Legacy Survey of Space and Time, but everyone is welcome to review the pre-recorded materials below before the Sprint.
Day 0
Introduction to DP0.3 at the 2023 Rubin Community Workshop
Additional Vera C. Rubin Observatory Documentation for Data Preview 0.3 (DP0.3) can be found here.
Introduction to the SSSC Jupyterhub - Stephen Stetzler (University of Washington)
Introduction to the LSST Solar System Data Products - Ari Heinze (University of Washington)
Tutorial Session: Sbpy - Mike Kelley (University of Maryland)
Crash Course about Rubin Observatory, LSST, and the SSSC - Melissa Graham. A series of videos is available HERE.