Day 3 (September 27)

Rubin Observatory from a bird's eye view with the dome open with the telescope visible

Day 3 (September 27)

Location: Fisher Room (Denys Wilkinson Building) unless otherwise specified (Building Map)

8:40 am BST - (Optional) Coffee/Tea/Water available on 5th floor foyer area (This is located one floor up from the entrance. Go up the stairs straight ahead after reception, and you'll see the long table by the glass windows across from the stairwell)

9:00 am BST - Announcements - Colin Orion Chandler (UW) & Meg Schwamb (QUB)

9:10 am BST Lasiar Broker + Adler Solar System Classifier Overview - Ken Smith (QUB), Steph Merritt (QUB), Jamie Robinson (University of Edinburgh)

9:50 am BST SSSC Update - Colin Chandler (UW) and Meg Schwamb (QUB) for the SSSC leadership

10:20 am BST - Break (Refreshments provided)

10:40 am BST - Unconference Session (Fisher Room and the Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre)

11:40 am -3:00 pm BST - Project Work (Participants take today's breaks whenever convenient during this time) Fisher Room and Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre with the seminar room available from 12pm onwards for smaller discussions or a quieter workspace

1:00 pm BST - Lunch (provided)

2:30 pm BST - Refreshments provided

3:00 pm BST - Working Group/Project Presentations and Unconference Session Summary

4:00 pm BST - Adjourn

For those staying in Oxford over night, suggested restaurants for dinner can be found here.

Day 1 (September 25)

Day 2 (September 26)

Day 3 (September 27)