Day 2 September 26

Rubin Observatory's Simonyi Survey Telescope within the dome

Day 2 (September 26)

Location: Fisher Room (Denys Wilkinson Building) unless otherwise specified (Building Map)

8:40 am BST - (Optional) Coffee/Tea/Water available on 5th floor foyer area (This is located one floor up from the entrance. Go up the stairs straight ahead after reception, and you'll see the long table by the glass windows across from the stairwell)

9:00 am BST - Announcements - Colin Chandler (UW) and Meg Schwamb (QUB)

9:10 am BST - Overview of the Fink Broker - Julien Peloton (CNRS)

9:40 am BST - LSST Solar System Science and Technosignatures Science Synergies Discussion - Discussion Facilitator: James Davenport (UW)

10:40 am BST - Break (Refreshments provided)

11:00 am BST - Project Brainstorming and Project Pitches

12:00pm- 3:30 pm BST Divide into project groups and work on pitched projects (Attendees take lunch and other breaks as they see fit throughout the time period) - Fisher Room and Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre with the seminar room available for smaller discussions or a quieter workspace

1:00 pm BST - Lunch (provided)

3:00 pm BST - Refreshments provided

3:30 pm BST Rubin Citizen Science Plans and Tools - Clare Higgs (NOIRLab/Rubin Observatory)

4:00 pm BST - In-kind contributions to the SSSC (13 minute presentations with a 20 minute Q+A session at the end)

  • Canada - Solar System Research Alerts - Laura Buchanan (University of Victoria)
  • Hungary - Solar System Object Forced Photometry Tool (Developer Pool Time) - Laszlo Szigeti (ELTE Gothard Observatory) and Gyula M. Szabó (ELTE Gothard Astrophysical Observatory)
  • Italy - Active Object Analysis Tools - Laura Inno (Parthenope University of Naples)

5:00 pm BST - Adjourn

Dinner is own your own. Suggested restaurants can be found here.

Day 1 (September 25)

Day 2 (September 26)

Day 3 (September 27)