SSSC Charter

Motivation and Purpose of the LSST SSSC

The Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) was created in 2006 with the main goal to facilitate the efforts of the planetary astronomy community to study the planets and small body populations within our Solar System using Rubin Observatory. The collaboration serves to coordinate the scientific community to develop methods and tools to analyze LSST data, as well as understand the optimum LSST survey strategies to discover and study moving objects throughout the Solar System.

The Rubin Observatory Science Collaboration Federation Charter

The SSSC will adhere to and follow the guidelines and principles outlined in the Rubin Observatory Science Collaboration Federation Charter.


The SSSC accepts applications from astronomers and planetary scientists with research interests focused on Solar System science who have data access rights to LSST data (example 1: a scientist based in countries with LSST data rights (US or Chile); example 2: a scientist who is part of an institution or organization that has data access for their members (like LSST: UK)).

Obtaining Membership in the SSSC

Applicants fill out a webform application (the link can be found on the SSSC Membership page ) describing their background and plans for LSST. The Co-chairs review the application and each vote on whether to accept the applicant. If consensus cannot be reached between the Co-chairs, the LSST Corporation Science Collaboration Coordinator provides the tie breaking vote.

Code of Conduct

All SSSC members are expected to abide by the SSSC Code of Conduct. The of Conduct applies to all SSSC situations and interactions online and offline, in person meetings, emails, mailing lists, forums, social media, social events associated with an SSSC or LSST workshop or conference, group interactions, and one-on-one interaction. SSSC members violating the SSSC Code of Conduct may be asked to leave the collaboration at the sole discretion of the SSSC Co-chairs after consultation with the SSSC working group leads and the LSST Corporation Science Collaboration Coordinator.

Publication Policy

All SSSC Members are expected to follow and abide by the SSSC publication policy.

Data Rights and Loss of Membership Eligibility

Membership in the SSSC does not bestow LSST data access rights. SSSC members who move from an institution or country with LSST data rights to one without LSST data rights may lose their membership eligibility. These individuals will need to make arrangements with the LSST Corporation to retain LSST data rights in order to remain eligible for LSST SSSC membership.

Pre-Charter Collaboration Members

SSSC members who joined before the establishment of this Charter who have had no change in institution or status since the date the Charter was adopted are grandfathered in as members of the SSSC. SSSC members admitted before the charter without LSST data access rights will need to make separate arrangements with the with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory if they want to be able to use non-public LSST data and derived data products.

Associate Membership

Alternatively, associate member status is available for a small number of astronomers and planetary scientists who do not have LSST data rights via their country of residence or institution. This status is for individuals who have special expertise needed by a specific SSSC working group. Associate membership does not confer data rights. It enables the associate member to join the SSSC's various internal communication channels and participate in meetings and other activities of the working group which they are associated. Associate members agree to the same Code of Conduct. as full SSSC members and will have full voting rights within the SSSC.

To join the SSSC as an associate member, a candidate must first be nominated by the lead of the working group with which they plan to collaborate with, and then be approved by vote of the full SSSC leadership (SSSC co-chairs, working group leads, publication coordinators, and early career representative) The working group lead will submit a 1/4 page (< 250 words) application explaining the expertise of the candidate and how this fulfills a need in the working group. Individuals who plan to work with several working groups should notify the relevant working group leads in order to prepare a joint working group application.

Associate membership will be granted for a two-year period with an option for renewal subject to the continuing needs of the working group(s) and the approval of the SSSC leadership. As part of the renewal process, the working group lead(s) will submit a 1/4 page summary of the associate member’s contributions to the full SSSC leadership.

If a prospective candidate for associate membership feels that their case was not fairly considered at any stage, they can appeal directly to the SSSC Co-chairs who will jointly decide if any action is required.

Revocation of Membership

SSSC members who grossly violate the rules of this Charter or violate the SSSC Code of Conduct may be asked to leave the collaboration at the sole discretion of the SSSC Co-chairs after consultation with the SSSC working group leads and the Rubin Observatory LSST Science Collaboration Coordinator.


The SSSC leadership consists of two chairs who share responsibilities for organizing and managing the SSSC efforts.

Responsibilities of the SSSC Co-chairs include:

Each SSSC co-chair will have a three-year term, with no limit on repeat terms if re-elected. Each co-chair position will have its own separate election as needed. Candidate nominations and elections for SSSC co-chair will be organized by the Rubin Observatory LSST Science Collaboration Coordinator. If the Science Collaboration Coordinator is not available, the leadership of another LSST Science Collaboration will be enlisted to organize and coordinate a SSSC co-chair election.

Concerns about the actions or behaviors of the SSSC Co-chairs, can be raised directly to one or both of the Co-chairs, the SSSC Working Group Leads, and/or the Rubin Observatory LSST Science Collaboration Coordinator.

Working Groups

Working groups may be established within the SSSC. New working groups may be proposed by the SSSC membership at any time. The SSSC Co-chairs shall decide the list of active working groups in consultation with the collaboration and existing working group leads.

Each active working group will have at least one working group lead. Working group leads report to the SSSC Co-chairs. Each working group lead will have a two-year term, with no limit on repeat terms if re-elected. The nomination, election, and appointment of working group leads will be organized as needed under the supervision of the SSSC Co-chairs.

Publication Coordinators

The SSSC will have two publication coordinators to help SSSC members follow the collaboration’s publication policy. Details of their role is described in the SSSC Publication Policy. Publication Coordinators report to the SSSC co-chairs. Each publication coordinator will have a two-year term, with no limit on repeat terms if re-elected. The nomination, election, and appointment of Publication Coordinators will be organized as needed under the supervision of the SSSC Co-chairs.

Early Career Representative

The SSSC shall have an Early Career Representative to provide a valued perspective on issues impacting early career SSSC researchers. The Early Career Representative will report to the SSSC Co-chairs and participate in activities involving the entire SSSC Leadership, such as the monthly SSSC Leadership telecons, votes on SSSC Architect status, and broader interaction with the Rubin Observatory Operations Team.

The Early Career Representative will have a two-year term, with no limit on repeat terms if still eligible and re-elected. They will also have the opportunity to contribute to SSSC leadership initiatives of their choosing. This could be related to training, workshop organization, networking activities, representing the SSSC on external committees, etc.

The Early Career Representative will be elected by majority vote of the SSSC Working Group Leads, Publication Coordinators, and SSSC Co-chairs, with nominations from the entire SSSC to be solicited by the SSSC Co-chairs. Any SSSC member who satisfies the following requirements and is not currently serving in a position within the SSSC leadership (SSSC Co-Chair, Publication Coordinator, or Working Group Lead) are eligible to be nominated for the Early Career Representative role: the individual has had their PhD for less than 7 years or is currently pursuing a PhD in astronomy, planetary science, or related field.

Changes to the SSSC Charter, the SSSC Publication Policy, and the SSSC Code of Conduct

Changes to the SSSC Charter , the SSSC Publication Policy, and the SSSC Code of Conduct may be proposed by the SSSC Co-chairs. After feedback on the proposed changes from the SSSC membership, the SSSC Co-chairs will organize a collaboration wide vote. The proposed changes are adopted if 2/3rds of the votes cast are in favor.


Votes of the SSSC membership will be required for:

The SSSC Co-chairs may call for a vote to gauge consensus or endorsement from the SSSC on an issue or proposal from time to time as needed.

Changes to the SSSC Charter , the SSSC Publication Policy, and the SSSC Code of Conduct will be adopted only if 2/3rds of the votes cast are in favor. All other collaboration wide elections, including election of the SSSC Co-chairs, will be decided by the majority of the votes cast. A proposal, proposition, or candidate will be considered to have been selected if the majority of the votes cast are in favor.